“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom”
-Oprah Winfrey


In the field of immigration, the EU and its Member States share authority. Specific standard immigration rules apply throughout the EU, while each EU country decides other aspects. This means that immigration laws in various EU countries are not alike, and national authorities are the best people to answer your specific questions. Applicants must always send their applications for residence permits to the authorities of the EU country to which they intend to relocate. There is no European agency that handles applications or issues visas on behalf of individual countries. Since 1999, the EU has been working on a European-wide immigration strategy.
Most EU countries have decided that the EU should adopt immigration and visa rules applicable in all EU countries. These are spelt out in the Treaty on European Union Functioning (2009).

To date, common steps have included EU-wide rules that enable people from non-EU countries to work or study in EU countries. Highly skilled staff, researchers, teachers, trainees, school pupils or volunteers, intra-corporate transferees, and seasonal workers are all covered.
EU rules allow citizens of non-EU countries to bring their non-EU family members to live with them and become long-term residents when legally present in an EU country.  In general, EU-wide immigration regulations apply in 25 of the EU's 27 countries.
There are a few exceptions:
Denmark does not follow EU-wide laws governing immigration, visas, and asylum.
Ireland decides whether or not to follow EU laws on immigration, visas, and asylum policies on a case-by-case basis.

When no EU-wide rules have been implemented, each EU country decides on its own. Below are the key points.

  • The total number of migrants that may be admitted to the country to look for jobs
  • All final decisions on migrant applications.
  • The conditions for obtaining residency and work permits.

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